When I restalled all my gems on Snow Leopard, vlad refused to find any of the tasks I had defined in my deploy.rb. I thought this was a SL issue but turned out a week before it’s release Vlad had been updated to version 2 which used a new plugin system. Looking for vlad rake tasks returned an error:
>> rake -T vlad
Could not load vlad: no such file to load -- vlad/git
To solve the problem just required an install of the new vlad-git gem.
>> sudo gem install vlad-git
Now all my tasks were appearing properly. Vlad 2 always brought around a few changes in it’s deploy.rb and use. Here is my deploy.rb for reference:
set :application, "yourdomain"
set :domain, "yourdomain@yourdomain.com"
set :user, "yourdomain"
set :repository, "git@github.com:youraccount/yourdomain.git"
task :staging do
set :revision, "origin/staging"
set :deploy_to, "/opt/yourdomain.staging/"
task :production do
set :revision, "origin/master"
set :deploy_to, "/opt/yourdomain/"
namespace :vlad do
desc "Pull from git, run migrations, then (re)start the app server"
task :migrate_deploy => [:update, :migrate, :start_app]
desc "Pull from git then (re)start the app server"
task :deploy => [:update, :start_app]
desc 'Restart Passenger'
remote_task :restart do
puts "Touching: #{deploy_to}current/tmp/restart.txt"
run "touch #{deploy_to}/current/tmp/restart.txt"
Now invoking Vlad for my staging environment works as such:
>> rake staging vlad:deploy